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Monday, November 17, 2008

How to get beautiiful women to meet up with you again and again!

How to solidify number closes and meetings or dates with women of exceptional beauty and quality after an initial encounter with them. by McMaax

Have you tried to call a woman after acquiring her number prematurely subsequent to spending just a few minutes interacting with her.or even after getting physical, intimate or sexual with her thinking that the deal is done ? Of course you have..


Well, what happens? Come on we've all been there. That's right! The number is either fake or correct however you are treated with a cold and abrasive response when you call

I am now going to tell you why this is occurring so that you can avoid these situations from ever happening to you again and solidify number closes and future meetings and dates with women of exceptional beauty and quality all the time and every time!

Think about what you convey to a woman when you prematurely grab her number after just a few minutes of interacting with her and then attempt to ring her up, to try to meet up with her again.

That's right!

You convey to her that you have no standards. You convey to her that you are in it just for a piece of tail. Looking at it in another way, you're indirectly telling her that all she has to do for you to become interested in maintaining contact with and pursuing her is to show up, look pretty show you some cleavage or get hot and heavy with you on the dance floor.

Now is this alpha behavior or beta behavior indicative of desperation, neediness and a lack of sexual control?

You got it. BIG TIME BETA!

Furthermore, remember that as much as a woman loves the pleasure of having sex, far greater for her is the pain of the stigma associated with appearing slutty. This is why when you call her the day after, to suggest a second meeting or an encounter, strictly on the basis of sexual attraction, she will logically infer that it is only because you think she is beautiful or physically attractive or because she made out with you at the club or slept with you on the first night. This is not enough of a compelling reason for her to want to see you again, contrary to what most men think.

Remember this- a woman will get physical, intimate and even sexual with a man during an initial encounter with him, if he pumps up her emotions high enough, super-charges her sexual state and puts her in "Seductive" mode. This particularly happens inside of a club due to the stimulating and state pumping lights, cameras and action there. In fact this is why most one night stands originate from a club environment and not so much from a day time one like a mall or on the streets.

However the day after when she is clean and sober and in "Logic" mode , a woman will backward rationalize her actions the day before or the night before In doing so if she discovers that all that existed between you and her was simply a swapping of saliva or an exchange of flesh, she will not want to talk to you again or see you again. So if you attempt to call her, she will know that you are calling her simply based on her looks, or physicality , which will further imply to her that your ultimate intent is to get her to meet up with you so that you can grope her again or get down her pants.

And once again, as much as women love the pleasure of having sex, far greater for them is the pain of the stigma of feeling slutty.

As a result, if a woman already hasn't given you a fake number
after uncovering your superficial intentions, you will be combated
with a very abrasive and cold tone when you call any real number
you do end up collecting on short-notice!

How to solidify number closes and dates with women
after an initial encounter with them

So how do you increase the probability of getting a legitimate number from a woman and further increase the chance of meeting up with her after an initial encounter?

You need to convey to her that your interest in her is legitimate(based on her personality and character) and not superficial (based on her looks and physicality)before attempting to acquire her number.

A) The way to do this is to Qualify/Accept her-In other words force her to demonstrate her personality to you and then reward her for it using touch.

B) Following this you need to build comfort with her.

I will talk more about the "comfort building" process in the next broadcast

An important point worth noting: The Qualification phase is very much like the Hook phase because it involves getting a woman to invest in the interaction with us however the key difference between these two phases is that we hook a woman to set up a chasing dynamic so that she will become open to sleeping with us. On the other hand, we qualify her so that she will be open to meeting up with us even after sex.

So how do we qualify a woman?

There are two ways to qualify a woman

General Qualifier

You can use a general qualifying statement like

"You know you are attractive, however so what beauty is common, wouldn't you agree? tell me what makes you special besides your pretty face?"

Specific Qualifier

A Specific qualifying question is used to allow her to exhibit specific personality traits that you actually look for in someone you would consider dating or forging a long term relationship with.

For example, one of the most important qualities that I look for is ambition

So I will ask a woman:

"So where do you see yourself in the next three years and don't say
married to some rich Tycoon ?"

Now at that point a woman will do one of two things:

A) . She will qualify herself to you and demonstrate her personality and character to you by saying something like:

"Well I am smart, intelligent, am an aspiring lawyer or I see myself owning my own Clothing business or working as an IT consultant"

This is a good sign as that means that she is firmly sexually attracted to you. Think about it why else would she feel the need to qualify herself to you in this manner if she didn't have a strong sexual-emotional feeling for you.

Or she will say

"Why should I tell you?"


"Nothing..I have nothing more going on for me than looks k"

If you get this reaction then it is indicative of the fact that you haven't attracted her enough for her to want to qualify herself to you.

What does this mean ? What phase are you still in ? Exactly-the Attraction phase.

So at that point you need to continue to attract her and then throw out your qualifying hoop again to see if she jumps through it.

Now once a woman qualifies herself to you by demonstrating her personality You need to reward her for doing so. The way to do that is with touch.

For instance, when you ask a woman:

"So what do you have going on for you besides your looks"

And she says:

"Well I am an aspiring journalist"

You can then say:

"You know that is so interesting. I initially thought that you were just an air headed, frolicking club girl. I am actually beginning to become
very interested in you. Come here girl" ( open your palm for a hi five)

Or you can be more outrageous and pick her up, spin her around while hugging her and say:

"Oh my god are you kidding me...that is so cool....come here deserve a hug".

See you are implanting in a woman's mind that she didn't completely seal the deal simply with her looks or physicality but did so only after demonstrating her personality to you.

Then when you go for the number, there is a much higher probability of

1) The number being a warm lead and not fake
2) You being greeted very warmly when you call and a woman being much more excited to meet up with you again and again

Why ?

Because as we mentioned!

1. A woman will feel that you are calling her because you have legitimate interest in her. In other words, based on her personality and character.

Not simply based on her looks or physique.

2. She will now feel that you are calling her because you feel that you and her actually have commonalities and similar interests, likes, tastes etc

Remember that as much as a woman doesn't want to waste her time, she also doesn't want to waste yours.

3.A woman will want to get an output for her input. See, if a woman hasn't invested anything into the interaction with you then she will expect nothing from it.

However when you make a woman first chase you and then invest in "winning you over" by demonstrating her personality and character to you, she will want to get an output for all of that input. This means that she will want to get a date, or even a relationship out of it.

Until next time go out there and be a man!



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