The most powerful system on how to seduce women!

Learn a unique 7 step method of how to attract, seduce and foster relationships with women of beauty and quality

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How to be the leader of men and attract all the women!


How many times have you seen the woman of your dreams being courted or seduced by a well-dressed, athletic, good and rich looking guy, inside of a social venue -who knows maybe its John Stamos himself, and you're thinking to yourself. "There is no way in hell I can get that girl to choose me over him" Well I got some news for you...that's a bunch of bullshit! You can have any woman you want but you need the right internal mindset or attitude coupled with the right logistical game plan. In this report I am going to equip you with both.

So let's get the party started...Okay what I want to address first is the importance of beliefs. See you have to understand that beliefs, such as the one stated above are not facts but simply a false interpretation of factual information that has been conditioned within your mind as being true by you. Your sub-conscious mind then takes this belief and filters the world around you through it, making it a part of your reality. In otherwords, whatever belief you hold to be true in your mind will actually come to fruition as is based on the very powerful"law of attraction." This mental law states that whatever you hold to be true in your mind in terms of dominant images and thoughts will manifest itself into your reality.

For instance, if you believe that you won't give a good speech as a public speaker, your sub-conscious mind will actually affect your motor skills, to validate that belief, by causing you to shake and act nervous. It will influence your vocal phrasing manner causing you to speak fast and in a nervous manner, it will make sure that your vocal projection is low and weak, it will cause you to exhibit facial spasms or nervous ticks, etc.

Consequently your speech will not emote people, resonate within their minds and in fact gain any kind of positive feedback from the audience.On the other hand if you believe that you're the man and that everyone will be mesmerized by your words and captivated by your body language, vocal projection, charm and presence, then similarly this belief will influence your sub-conscious mind to outwardly affect your non-verbal mannerisms in a powerful way. It will cause you to speak with volume and power, it will cause your facial expressions to become dynamic, your tonality to become animated.

In other words, you will speak each word with coherence, clarity and power and will in fact mesmerize those who are listening to you.This is the power of belief. It is based on the premise that your psychology influences your physiology and vice versa.Another way a belief or your concept of reality can affect you is by bringing forth actual events, situations and circumstances into realityFor instance. if you believe that you can't get stunning, high quality women then you will actually notice that for no reason, women of beauty and quality don't flirt with you, aknowledge you or even give you the time of day.

In fact you'll see that they give more attention to someone who's less attractive, less ambitious and less financially stable than you. We've all been there right? Of course!How can this be , you might have asked?Ah...very easy my friend. You bought into the physical realm what you thought to be true in the mental one. Remember, whatever you believe to be true or not will be manifested in real life, so why not foster powerfulbeliefs and discard destructive ones. So how do we destroy any and all limiting beliefs that are plaguing our mind ? Easy by discrediting their foundation.

See, what is really important to remember is that many of the beliefs you have, in particular the belief that you have to be super good looking, rich or young to attract and date beautiful women which is preventing you from competiting with John Stamos comes from the bad decision you've made with respect to what something factual means.In fact this belief should be blamed on the biggest scam in the world-Corporate Advertising.We are constantly bombarded with images whether on the web, on billboards or on television of veryattractive women in the presence of very good looking men, or men that are rich or men that are young.

This is typically used to convey the false message that if you buy a particular product from one of thesecorporate entities, you can have these type of women. In otherwords, by purchasing their productsyou can attain true status in life.Consequently, this "false message" has infiltrated your mind and has seaped into it deeply until you now treat this as fact. So how do we descredit the belief that: You have to be good looking, rich or young to attract and date beautiful women so that you don't believe it anymore......? Simple!Ask yourself is this based on fact or fiction?Have I seen an average guy, know a broke guy, or even heard of an old fogie with a super hot, high quality woman. I have and I know you you can't believe that.

Are you with me... ?

Trust me don't need to have all of that bullshit to attract and date women. We'll leave that for the suckers out there All you need is Genetic convey that you are alpha to achieve social status, you do not need financial or material status. So remember don't just accept a belief at face value, if its disempowering you especially. Understand where you get it from. Analyze its basis or foundation. If it is empowering you, keep it in a safe place but if it is disempowering you and is based on fiction and not fact, piss it out like stale beer okay.Okay so now that I have changed your inner perspective on what's possible ....and have changed your belief withrespect to attracting and seducing women you thought were out of your league previously, the next step is toacquire the competence on how to steal a beautiful woman from a guy who is better looking and richer than you.

How do we do it?Well from my massive live in field experience here is what you need to do.1. First don't be rude or try to disrespect him as that is a sign of immaturity and is a beta quality. 2. Just convey higher value than him

Specifially, here are the top 5 ways to convey higher value than other males in a social venue and steal the attention of the women there from them to you.

Here we go......1. Walk in to the set and put your arm on his shoulder...and say "Hey big guy......pretty big muscles...shit you win"....and then turn to the woman and say...."so how is he doing....on a scale of 1 to 10"..then say to him.."Good man!" This will show the woman that you are not intimidated by other men and will demonstrate higher value because you treated him like a sub-ordinate using phrases like "good man"...or "hey big guy". This will raise your social value in her eyes over his

2. You can teach him something about women, right in front of the woman. For instance, you could after the intro and some fluff talk say.. "Dude did you know that you can make a woman orgasm by touching one spot on her back" Of course he'll you can reference the woman and say "Honey come here..Just wanna borrow you for a turn around... ah right there....How does that feel"which will cause the woman to say.." feels awesome" Then you can say to the guy.."see man...your first free tip".

3. You can treat the guy like your kid brother and say. "What's your name man? Jason...You a body builder big guy?" "Cool shoes man.. I used to wear them a few years back" "Hey man ...that's a cool shirt...get alot of girls with that"

4. You can tell stories to both the guy and the girl that insinuate that you're alphaand have higher value than him. For instance, you can tell them stories that involve youwinning a karate tournament, that demonstrate that you are well travelled, are popular, have social proof from other women, etc.

5.You can tease the girl in front of the guy by saying something like: "Yeah I did her last year...she ain't all that.. don't waste your time" This will cause him to laugh and will set up a challenge for her to now win you over.

Until next time....go out there and be a man!


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