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Friday, April 11, 2008

Your inner reality determines whether or not you succeed or fail with women!

I truly believe that the idea that "thoughts are boomerangs". In other words whatever you project inward onto your sub-conscious mind will be transcribed into physical reality. There is a famous "mental law", in fact one of many mental laws talked about by success gurus like Brian Tracy, Dr. Joseph Murphy and others called the law of equivalence which describes this.Essentially whatever you hold dominant in your mind, good or bad will come true in your reality. Taking from this concept and from my own personal experience I find tremendous innate truth to this law and give it super credibility.

How I think we can use this is to imagine on a daily basis what we want out of our lives and to visualize it, to affirm it through incantations which are emotional-charged statements coupled with faith and through the Laws of attraction these things MUST come to pass. Did you guys get that, it is not an issue whether they will or wont, THEY HAVE TO as Wayne Dyer states in his book called "The Laws of Attraction". Take for instance a physical law, such as the "law of gravity" or the "laws of magnetism". Well we know that if we drop a ball from a 10 story building, IT HAS TO fall based on the law of gravity.

We also know that if you put two oppositely charged ends of a magnet together they will bond. Similarly the mental universe has laws as well that ALWAYS work if applied properly. Now here are the 3 principles one must apply if he/she is to get anything they want out of life from a mental point of view and I can tell you I am speaking from personal experience as I am currently living my dreams which were bought forth into reality by me following these super natural, mental laws.

1. A clear cut defined goal, in fact you should be writing down your goals each day or at minimum each week. Remember they are not REAL until they are solidified on paper guys.

2. You must "EMOTIONALIZE" or charge the thoughts with emotion. Remember there are two driving principles that guide all human behaviour. Our need to avoid pain and our desire to gain pleasure (credit Anthony Robbins) So we must focus on all of the pain we will experience on all levels if we don't follow through on our values, goals and dreams and all of the pleasure we will get if we do. The key is to feel the feelings as if you have already ARRIVED or ACHIEVED your goal right now. How would you feel, what would you say, how would you breath, who would be around you, what kind of music would be playing, what would you be wearing. See you have to engage your modalities or senses on all levels and really make the experience real to your nervous system. This is based on the premise that our nervous system cannot tell the difference between a real and imagined experience.

3. You must allow things to happen by having faith. Let me explain, there is a difference between what we WANT and what we EXPECT. and usually our EXPECTATIONS win over our DESIRE. For instance, you may want to become a great PICK UP ARTIST and have all this great intention and enough desire to light a thousand lightbulbs, but as long as you hold that underlying attitude and gut-level feeling of doubt or uncertainly you will not achieve your goals but get the negative outcome you EXPECTED. I'll give you a parallel example as to this relates to Pick Up. You may walk up to a girl and everything is peachy then just for a single second you convey lower value by showing even a second of doubt or uncertainty or neediness or jealousy and you are immediately bucketed as a low value, beta male and you are GONE!.

Even though you showed high value-ness or alpha ness for 8 hours, that 1 minute of doubt or uncertainty was much more powerful (Negativity is a virus that has a power of 3:1 against good intent) than your intent. So the only way is to replace that bad intent doubt with FAITH and the absolutely believe that you will achieve your goals without a shadow of a doubt. This is the weakest link in your chain. In fact a lot of people who pray with good intent often wonder why their prayers are not answered.

Well that is very easily answered when you observe that most people pray in vain, with doubt, with thoughts of scarcity. In pick up, most men play with scarce money, with doubt, with uncertainty and since energy is a fluid component of the universe it quickly flows from one medium to another. This means it will flow from one human to another which is why it is important that we always project a positive, self-confident, faithful, high value attitude and not only will the universe reward us with all of our wildest dreams but with more women than you can imagine.

I hope this helps you guys to achieve all of your dreams as it has helped me achieve mine.



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