The most powerful system on how to seduce women!

Learn a unique 7 step method of how to attract, seduce and foster relationships with women of beauty and quality

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The most powerful system on how to attract and seduce women!

The most powerful system on how to attract and seduce beautiful women!

Hey guys,

My purpose is writing this post is to teach you an "unparalleled" system of attraction, seduction and social dynamics mastery so that you can not only attract and seduce any women you want but truly transform your entire belief system into one of success for all areas of your life. I mean let's face it, we can never really feel whole and complete as men, until we feel like we have control of our dating and sex lives.

This is because, true status for us as men, is not simply a measure of financial or material status, but social status. In other words, our ability to attract and form relationships with women of exceptional beauty and quality. No wonder we give men, that have reached this pinnacle such rock star status.

Well you can also have this status and I want to be the one who gives it to you!

I am about to unleash to you, the most powerful and potent system that has ever been developed on how to attract, seduce and foster relationships with women of beauty and quality that is out there.

I call it my 7 point Maaximum Model for seduction mastery. This is also a second posting of my original post to introduce this model to you.

So how did I derive the key to the social matrix?

It came to me, through my years of massive "live in field" experience attracting and seducing 1000's of beautiful women and putting them under my spell, coupled with what I have observed of "natural" lady killers and finally combined with what I have modeled from the "best of the best" in terms of pick up artists, dating coaches and other seduction gurus. This has allowed me to "map" out the entire seduction process into 7 phases-In other words the process of first meeting a woman to starting a sexual and emotional relationship with her.

You take any woman through these 7 steps or phases, and you will land her as your lover, girlfriend and even long term partner. I can guarantee you that!

So let's go ahead and break down the 7 point Maaximum Method of seduction.

1.The first phase or step of the seduction process is called-The Pre-Opener Value Calibration Phase.

Now most dating outfits/methods seem to suggest that the first thing you must do, when you see a woman that you would like to meet, is to simply approach her and throw out a conversation starter. However,this is a very weak premise because women decide whether or not they even want us to approach them and talk to them, leave alone attract them and seduce them, well before we open our mouths. In fact they make this determination from a distance, once we enter a social venue and then later once we approach them. Specifically, they make this calculation on whether or not we are exhibiting certain non-verbal mannerisms.

So what types of non-verbal mannerisms do we need to exhibit, before a woman will be open to talking to us and becoming attracted to us?

Well if you haven't been told yet, women are only attracted to alpha non-verbal traits and
mannerisms( confidence, a great style, poise, being a challenge, having loud/dominant vocal volume when we speak, social proof from other women, exhibiting dominance over other men) and repelled by beta non verbal traits ( insecurity, nervousness, being an kiss-ass, being overly nice, boring, predictable, lacking self-confidence, being a follower and not a leader, having a poor style).

So it becomes quite obvious that we need to exhibit alpha behaviors, first and foremost before any line or verbal tactic will work, in engaging a woman in conversation.

So what are these alpha behaviors that we have to exhibit ?

Here they are:

1. A smile-when you approach a woman as it conveys un-reactivity, coolness, control and ultimately confidence.
2. Superior body language and vocal projection-speak loud and with dominance, have dramatic vocal tonality when you speak, make playful facial expressions, make eye contact with people, sport an upright powerful posture.
3. Sport a great Style-Dress in a way that is unique but also stands out amongst the "same and lame" beta drones out there that wear name brand clothes-This means-chains, rings, big belt buckles, cowboy boots, cowboy hats, shades, etc
4. Exhibit dominance over other men-Be the leader in any social venue, in particular amongst the men there.
5. Demonstrate social Proof from women-When you enter a social venue, start chatting up women. Get them to laugh and react positively to you, to show to the other women, in the area that you are desirable to women and have confidence and experience around them.

Once we demonstrate these non-verbal traits or "PRE OPENER NON VERBAL VALUE" as I like to call it, then the probability that our LINE or OPENER will be accepted by a woman will be much greater than if we don't.

Now after we pass this first level in the game of seduction.... then what?

Well once we get a woman open to talk to us and also to the possibility of being attracted to showing her that we are alpha then does that mean that we can just lay back and wait for her to make the first move?

We can if she is the female cop in the movie- " Days of Thunder" with Tom Cruise....otherwise no!

See tradition has it that we as men must make the first move and initiate the interaction with a woman if we expect to attract her and seduce her.. So the next step is to deliver...

2. The opener- Which is the conversation starter, or ice breaker, since now we will have a greater level of assurance that whatever we say "verbally" will be accepted by a woman, as she will know that she is being "opened" by an alpha male.

Now there are two types of openers

1. A Direct opener
-which is one used to convey our interest to a woman, right off the bat

An example is:

"Hey...I was just going to the bank, and you caught my I had to come by and see what you were like. I am Maax by the way and you are?"

or Indirect opener
..which is one that doesn't convey our intent or interest.

For example an opinion opener like:

"Hey I've gotta go in a quick second, but I need a quick female opinion about something"

A quick Rule of thumb for what type of opener we should use: You should use a direct opener with women of lower social value than you because they won't even believe that you are even giving them the time of day. As a result it will have a positive impact on them and successfully get them open to talking to you. On the other hand, it is more logistical to use an indirect opener with a woman who is high on the social value ladder. This is because she gets hit on a lot and has developed a natural reflex to "blow out" any males that try to offer themselves as potential suitors or sperm donors to her, by stating their direct sexual interest in her.

So in this case, you have to be different to go under her "loser who wants me" radar and using an indirect opener accomplishes this---allowing us to successfully open and engage her in conversation.

Now once we have "opened" an interaction with a woman...then what do we do? What's step 3 in the seduction process in alignment with the 7 point model?

Well what do most men do ?

Ready they bore her!

They convey too much personal and boring, logical information about themselves like:

how much money they make
what kind of cars they drive

Others tell her:

How much they like her
How beautiful she is

all the while, receiving no such emotional investment from the woman into the interaction.

In other words, They immediately start to seek rapport with her by telling her how much they like her and want her, thinking that it will make her reciprocate those feelings back onto them

Not quite Big Daddy! Not only will it not make her feel a bond and connection with you
but it will kill any chances of attraction that she may have felt for you. Why?

NOTE: This is because in any given social interaction, the one who is attempting to seek rapport
with the other first or get them to like them is of low social value and remember women are
not attracted to low value males.

Think about it. Go back to when you were in high school..

Didn't the uncool kids always try to get the cool kids to like them by trying to impress them, do things for them and be too nice to them, in hopes that one day they would be accepted into the cool circle?

However did the cool kids care about any of the uncool kids? Of course not!

So similarly in the area of inter-sexual communication, the one who is trying to get the other
to like them is of lower value.

Now let me clarify something here. Women do ultimately want to form a bond and connection with a man, but only with one who is alpha and will ultimately produce sexy, alpha male offspring that will be able to attract the females in their respective generations to propagate their genes.

So we need to demonstrate to a woman, both non-verbally and verbally that we are alpha but also have emotional value.( engage her emotions as women love to have their senses and emotions engaged) so that she will be open to bonding and connecting with and ultimately forming a sexual and emotional union with us. This process of demonstrating

High Survival Value based Alpha behaviour and
High Emotional Value is called...

3. Attraction

So how do we demonstrate to a woman that we are alpha and engage her senses, to demonstrate emotional value?

Tease her-Make fun of her in a playful way. For instance you can say to her:

"You are so hot...that's why it's such a shame you're not my type."


"Hey you're attractive .....but do you know where I can find some really
hot women in this city"

See this challenges a woman's ego and puts a hole in her self-esteem; something she never experiences since most men just "give it up" to her. In other words, most men never make
her question or doubt her sexiness or attractiveness.

However, when you tease a woman using the examples I've outlined above, it immediately challenges her status as "God's specimen of heavenly perfection" and as a result, she will feel the need to chase you, to win you over. Consequently, this chasing dynamic will illicit attraction
within her for you.

-Use a DHV(A demonstration of higher value) which is anything you say/do that demonstrates high survival value and emotional value.

For instance:

-Demonstrate your know how of erotic massage, tantric sex, palm reading, wine, tell her emotionally engaging stories that insinuate that you are alpha-instead of directly elucidating it which comes off as bragging.

-Be fun and interesting
-Role play with her-Women love role playing as it engages their senses and emotions
-Continue to show leadership over other males in the vicinity-Have the best body language, loudest and most dominant voice, be the best dressed.
-Gather social proof from women-Chat up other women in the vicinity, show women pictures on your digi cam of yourself in the company of beautiful women during your travels, at parties, in clubs, etc.

Now you do these things and a woman will start to develop a new born feeling of attraction towards you. Consequently she will start to exhibit IOI's to you or indicators of interest.

What are some signs that a woman is becoming attracted to you?

She will lick her lips when talking to you
She will gaze into your eyes
She will laugh at all of your dumb jokes
She will position their body in alignment with yours and close to yours.
She will tilt her head when talking to you and play with her hair.

So after we successfully start to generate feelings of attraction within a woman for us, then what do we do? What's step 4 in the seduction process?

4.The Hook Phase- See just because a woman is exhibiting IOI's to you, it doesn't mean she wants to sleep with you. Why?

Because up to this point you've put forth most of the effort into the interaction with her, to pump up her buying temperature.

However what has she done?

Nothing. She hasn't invested anything emotionally into the conversation and note that
a woman will not want to sleep with you until she feels that she pursued you and
had to put some work and effort into seducing you.

It is also because in society there is a societal rule that states that:

Although men court/chase , women make the choice if/when sex should occur.

What this means is that anytime a woman feels that you are making that choice for her, you will get blown out! So you have to give her the impression that she is pursuing you for sex, as much as you are pursuing her.


how do we do this?

By hooking her into chasing us.

So the fourth phase in the seduction process is the "hook phase" which involves hooking a woman into pursuing us so that she feels she has made an emotional investment into the interaction with you and also conformed to the societal rule that states that having sex must be her choice. The consequence of this will be that she will be open to sleeping with us.

One of the best ways to get a woman to pursue us is to "falsely disqualify" ourselves from her and subtly distract or divert our attention away from her .

Some examples of false disqualification are to verbally push her away by saying:

"You better go, I bet your friends are waiting for you"

"I'm too extroverted for you"

See in essence, we are pushing her away and that is so against the grain of what she is used to. This will throw her off balance and cause her to question her attractiveness and sexiness. She will then chase us to redeem her status as God's specimen of heavenly perfection. Consequently this chasing dynamic will make her feel raw sexual attraction for us.

Some examples of diverting our attention away from her would be:

1) Looking at other women in the area, subtly as she is talking to us.

2) Act like we're getting bored by slowly planting our feet away from her , as she is talking to us

This will also create a chase dynamic with a woman as it will put a sense of uncertainty inside her mind that she is the sh-t, since we are displaying such an indifferent, care-free attitude towards her. This will make her logically infer that we must be bored of her or don't find her attractive. Once again, this will create a need for her to want to win us over, to redeem her self-esteem and ultimately this will make her feel "sexual" attraction towards us.

Why? because she will have made an emotional investment into the interaction with us.

The next phase in the seduction process is called the..

5. Qualification Phase

Let me ask you, have you ever gotten a woman's number after she clearly telegraphed signs of sexual attraction towards you, maybe even after you got sexual with her then tried to call her to get together with you again?

Well What happens? Nothing right!! You are treated with a cold response!

Now why is that?

It is because women backward rationalize their actions the day after they meet you and if they deduce that all that existed was just a swapping of saliva then they will feel that the only reason you are calling them and want to get together with them is to sleep with them

And remember...women don't want to be made to feel slutty as that is a stigma they want to avoid more strongly than the pleasure of having sex.

So the way to increase the chances of getting a woman to meet up with you, after an initial encounter is to give her the impression that you like her for legitimate reasons beyond her looks
and physicality so that when you do call her she will know that it is because you both have
Legitimate claim in each other and not just a physical vibe.

The way to do this is by screening her for certain personality traits , by asking her qualifying questions and then accepting her or rewarding her with touch after she demonstrates them.

For instance...

You can say "I'll be you already know you are beautiful I am sure many men tell you that..but what do you have going on for you besides your looks?"


"So what makes you special and not just a killing of my time here at the club?"

This will cause her to demonstrate her personality and character to you. You can then reward her with a hi five or hug .

This will condition her mind that you weren't completely sold because she is hot, like so many men out there but had to be "won over". In other words, that you are just beginning to like her after her display of certain character and personality traits.

Another powerful feature of the Qualification phase is that, carrying forth from phase 4
(the hook phase) it makes a woman invest into the interaction even more. As a result she will want to get an output of her input.

What the means is that any numbers you collect will be solid and that a woman will be much more eager to talk to you and eager to meet up with you again.

Now once we've Qualified a woman, then what do we do?

Well do you want to get a woman to see you as boyfriend material and not just
"casual dating for two dates only" material?

If the answer to that is yes...then you need to do some ...

6.Comfort Building-In other words, build a bond and connection with a woman!

In this phase, we throw away our superman cape and expose the "Clark" that's inside of us.

What I mean is that we need to:

-Show a woman our humanistic side
-Display our strengths and weaknesses
-Tell her how fond we are of her
-Tell her how much we like her,

to make a woman feel a bond and connection with us.

Remember at this time, it is okay to bond and connect or seek rapport with her because there will be a much greater chance that she will be open to reciprocating those feelings back to us, since she will know that she is bonding and connecting with an alpha male or a man with
high social value.

NOTE: We need to escalate our touch throughout the seduction process from:

playful hand holding
playful hugging
putting our hand subtly on a woman's waist in phases 1-5

Intimate touching like:

French kissing
sensual biting
smelling her neck and kissing in phase 6

and then escalating the touch from intimate to sexual in the last phase or the seduction phase. We'll cover that in the next section.

The reason it is crucial to escalate our touch from the start of our interaction with a woman is so that she becomes used to us touching her intimately and then sexually later on and is not creeped out by it.

NOTE: This is this phase that most men enter prematurely-right after they open a woman

7.Seduction-The covenant phase or end goal in the seduction process that we all want to reach.

In other words, it is the point in the seduction process where we penetrate a woman and start a sexual relationship with her.

It is in this phase that we isolate a woman from a comfort building location, into a seduction
location and amp up our touch from intimate to sexual, eventually penetrating her
mind, body and soul.

Now you follow this model and you will not just be able to attract, easy and sleazy club girls, but
seduce women of exceptional beauty and quality like a Seduction Guru!


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