The most powerful system on how to seduce women!

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

The importance of social logistics for pick up and seduction mastery!

How to play the game like a logistical pro!


Do you ever get stuck in the trap of eliciting superficial interest or attraction from a woman but then stumble and fall when trying to escalate things beyond that point?

If the answer is "yes" then let me tell why that is happening and show you what you need to do to avoid being caught in this hole again, so you can have a fruitful interaction with a woman that actually goes somewhere, each time and every time

Two important pieces of the seduction game you need to fill in.

You need to amplify a woman's attraction for you into "sexual attraction" in order to get her to become open to sleeping with you.

Remember just because a woman is exhibiting indicators of interest or IOIs towards you, it doesn't mean that she is open to the idea of having sex with you. You need to get a woman to invest in the interaction with you or pursue you, for that to occur. Only when a woman feels that she has made an emotional investment into the interaction as much as you have then she will feel "gut level sexual attraction" towards you.

The way to get her to invest in the interaction is to "hook" her to chase you. Recall that the hook phase is the 4th phase of the seduction process that you need to take a woman through, once you have taken her through the 3rd phase of "generating attraction"

One of the ways you can get a woman to chase you is to "falsely disqualify" her. This means to convey to her, through actions or with words that you are not considering her as a potential mate or love interest. In other words, that you are not interested in her.

For instance, when I am talking to a woman and I know that she is becoming attracted to me, I will want to solidify that into "raw, sexual attraction"

So I will falsely disqualify her by saying something like...:

"Don't you have to go back to your friends...they must be worried about you"- This will cause her to think that I am pushing her away because I am getting bored or losing interest in her.

Think about it!

She never has a man push her away or disqualify her like this...but is used to dealing with men who never want to let her go.

Consequently, this will put a damper or hole in her self-esteem which is central to her "Queeny Status". As a result this will cause her to chase me, to win me over so she can turn me into another fan or worshiper, to redeem her self-worth and status as God's gift of heavenly perfection

In other will get her to invest in the interaction with me. As a result, this will amplify her attraction for me into sexual attraction.

Another thing I will say is ---"Oh my have a water hand...honey! shit.......I can't even talk to you".This will generate a similar "elastic band effect" of getting a woman to chase me for conversation so I can tell her what that means. This is because women are genuinely fascinated when you describe them by looking at their hands.or facial structure or lines on their palms.

I will then respond, in a very tongue-n-cheek manner with "I don't know if I should tell may piss you off". She will then usually respond with.."No...tell me please"

Once again do you see how I hooked her into chasing me or investing in the interaction.

You need to set up this "chasing dynamic" in order for a woman to feel sexual attraction for you.

The other reason that your attempts at getting intimate or sexual with a woman lead to nothingness is because you didn't gather information from her as to whether she is sexually open or not.

See exhibiting interest in you, displaying signs of attraction towards you through flirtatious gestures and even kissing you is one thing, but jumping the line to having sex with you is completely off limits for many women. Consequently, to save yourself time from pursuing women that are sexually cold, you need find out early on if a woman is hot or cold sexually. The way to do that is by playing a fun little game, that a famous Blonde with big ambition introduced to the world in the early 90's. You got it----Truth or Dare.

So before you kiss a woman , just like that , without any knowledge of her sexual tendencies or openness- Say to her...."K truth or dare."

If she picks truth...then you can ask....

"security or adventure"
"Going to the movies or enjoying a nice massage"
"erotica or hardcore"

From her answer you can assess if she is somewhat sexual or not...

If she picks dare you can say.

"I dare you to lick your lips in an erotic way"
"I dare you to turn me on by massaging my hand "
"I dare you to eat that orange in an erotic way"

If she complies to these requests with little or no hesitation, then you have yourself a winner baby!. In other words a woman who is open to taking things to the next level if the appropriate conditions are met. At this point, you can go for the kiss with an assurance that she is open to taking things beyond that point when the time is right.

Another logistical purpose for kissing a woman only after she complies with your requests or standards is to convey to her that she is being rewarded for doing so and not undeservingly.

So remember don't just give away a kiss for free- let a woman earn it and you will go a lot further with her.

Until next time...go out there and be a man!



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