The most powerful system on how to seduce women!

Learn a unique 7 step method of how to attract, seduce and foster relationships with women of beauty and quality

Monday, October 6, 2008

The 3 most powerful strategies to attract women of exceptional beauty and quality in seconds !

The 3 most powerful strategies to attract women of exceptional beauty and quality in seconds !

So you've gathered up the courage to walk up to a beautiful woman and have successfully opened her- then what do you do ?

Well what do most men do?

Ready? They bore her. How ? They immediately start to seek rapport with her and try to force a bond and connection with her, by asking her a barrage of boring personal questions like "where are you from?" or "do you have a boyfriend?" or "What is your name?" . Other men talk about how much money they make, what kind of cars they drive or how big their mansions are, as if she actually cares especially when she has made no emotional investment into the interaction . Finally other men will continue to over-complement her and tell her how beautiful she is, how gorgeous she is and how badly they want to take her out and be with her, thinking that it will magically make her feel a bond and connection with them.

Not quite big daddy!

Remember, in any given interaction between two people:

The one who is attempting to seek rapport with the other to get the other to like them is of lower value and as we should know by now, women are not attracted to low value behavior!

Think about it! Go back to when you were in high school- Didn't the uncool kids always try to befriend and seek rapport with the cool kids with the intent of becoming a part of their social circle? Similarly, in the area of inter-sexual communication or dating, the one who is trying to seek rapport with the other to get the other to like them is an uncool kid. In other words, is someone of lower social value

Now I want to make an important point. It is okay to seek rapport with a woman by asking her personal questions, unveiling personal information about yourself and even telling her how you feel about her. In fact a woman expects this from us- however at a later stage in the seduction process but not as soon as we initiate an interaction with her.

In other words, a woman does ultimately want to feel a bond and connection with a man to form a sexual and emotional union with him but only after he first demonstrates high survival value or alpha behavior. Therefore this is what we have to do, as soon as we buy ourselves some time to talk to a woman, after successfully initiating an interaction with her.

Why we need to demonstrate that we are alpha once we enter a social venue, when opening an interaction with a woman and while interacting with her.

The real benefit for a female to mate with an alpha male is , as it has been over thousands of years that any future male offspring he produces will be alpha just like him and consequently will have a much easier time attracting the females in his generation to mate with him.Consequently this would enable him to successfully replicate which would allow her genes to be propagated over successive generations

Bottom line-A woman's long term survival depends on mating with an Alpha Male!

Now as I have mentioned over and over again, you need to demonstrate alpha behavior, non verbally as soon as you enter a social venue as a consequence of this.

How do we do that?

1) Have great body language
2) Gather social proof from other women
3) Demonstrate leadership and dominance over other men.

However does that mean that once we have demonstrated alpha behavior upon entering a social venue and when initiating an interaction with a woman that our job of demonstrating that we are alpha is done? No! You need to continue to convey that you are alpha however now, not just through your body language and non-verbal mannerisms but through verbal communication as well . In addition to demonstrating high-survival value and alpha behavior verbally, you also need to demonstrate high emotional value.

What do I mean by that?

Just as there exists a part within a woman's sub-conscious mind that governs her instinctual mating behavior(The Reptilian Brain), specifically of seeking out and mating with Alpha males, there exists yet another part within her cranial structure that is responsible for making her feel emotion. This part is called the Limbic brain and is in fact much larger( in mass) in a woman than in a man. .What this means is that women are much more emotionally-driven than we are and so consequently, we can really hit their attraction buttons real hard by engaging their senses and emotions.

Therefore, once we open an interaction with a woman which is the 2 step in the seduction process, in alignment with our world famous 7 point model, the 3rd step is to demonstrate:

1)High survival value or Alpha characteristics both non-verbally and verbally
2) High emotional value by engaging a woman's emotions. I will show you how to do that a bit later in this article.

The process of exhibiting these dual characteristics is called "attracting" and is carried out in the Attraction phase which follows the "Opener" phase. In other words, instead of jumping ahead into the comfort building phase which is only reserved for VIP alpha males, we need to first earn our VIP Alpha male ticket. In other words, we need to attract a woman by following the 2 rules listed above so that she will be open to forming a sexual and emotional bond with us.

The next obvious question you're probably asking is how do you do that?

Here are the 3 most powerful ways to not only attract a woman by demonstrating high survival value(dominance, confidence and leadership) but high emotional value once we have opened her.

1. You can Playfully-Tease or Mock a woman!

1. As I have often stated, when you playfully mock or tease a woman, especially a woman of exceptional beauty and quality you will put a hole in her self-esteem and as such will create a challenge for her to want to win you over so that she can ultimately redeem it

Remember such women are never challenged or disqualified in such a way but constantly worshiped and adored undeservingly by loser, beta males out there..This is why challenging a woman or disqualifying her like this is a very powerful way
to attract her.

However, here is what you need to be careful of:when you use this powerful technique to attract a woman that others don't tell you!

A) When you tease a woman , you have to do it with a playful, tongue-and-cheek attitude and not in a mean manner

For instance

Wrong way: "Hey are you dumb or something?"

Right way-"Are you sure your not a natural blonde underneath that brunette hair color: wink" essentially implying that she is ditsy and dumb.

Another example to contrast the Right and Wrong way to tease a woman

Wrong way: "You're too ugly to be my type"

Right way: "You know I gotta tell you, you are beautiful . Its just a shame that I am not into blondes...damn!"

B) You should only tease and playfully mock women that have a bitch shield

Not every woman needs to be teased. Only women that have high social value.This means women that get hit on a lot, are popular, are used to being treated specially, sport a snotty attitude and finally who are very physically attractive.

The reason I placed less importance on a woman's beauty or physicality is because beautiful women often do not have a bitch shield but are quite humble and even insecure sometimes. So don't judge a woman's social value by her "Face value" or make up and fake up, but by her self-perceived social value, society-given social value and behavior. If she is acting like "Molly Ringwald" from the Breakfast club. Tease her.

Should you tease a woman with low social value?

If you try and tease a woman who doesn't have a bitch shield and one with low social value then you are essentially shooting yourself in the foot as you will really damage her concept of self and hurt her. Rather, with these women its much better to be nice and genuinely complementary because they won't even believe that someone of higher value is even talking to them. As a result, they will feel good and will love you for making them feel important


Now, I am not advocating or suggesting that we attempt to approach and attract low value females but in many cases we will need to, especially if we want to approach, attract and seduce their hot girlfriends when they are in a group like setting, typically in clubs and lounges

The other instance when you can use cocky-playfulness is when a woman is located within a group, as we've stated. The purpose of this is to disqualify to her peer circle that you are a potential mate or suitor for her so that they will let you enter the group and later isolate her so that you can qualify her, build comfort with her to ultimately seduce her.

C) Lastly, don't continue teasing a woman beyond a few minutes.

Most men make the mistake of delivering one mocking statement after the other which dilutes the effect of their teasing.

Remember attraction is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. In other words, your job is not to continue teasing a woman to attract her, but to tease her, just enough to attract her so that she will be ultimately open to forming a bond and connection with you and allow you to seduce her. This doesn't take hours but only minutes!

So, STOP carpet bombing a woman with playful-mocking remarks. Just make a few of them until she starts to exhibit IOI's or indicators of interest towards you.Then you should start to qualify her and build a bond and connection with her.

2. You can DHV-Demonstrate High Value

What this means is to put your best foot forward and showcase all of your attractive traits, while simultaneously suppressing any unattractive traits.

How do we do this?

Let's break it down!

1) First demonstrate the best elements of your personality that insinuate that you are Alpha

2) Talk about things that make you emotionally significant in a woman's mind and life

A lot of men make the mistake of talking about how much money they make, what kind of cars they drive or how big their mansions are. Are you guilty of this as well? Well ask yourself, why would a woman care about these things especially when she hasn't made any sort of emotional investment into you? Secondly, you should know by now that you don't need to exhibit financial status or material status to attract a woman, but simply genetic status in the social hierarchy. In other words Alpha non-verbal mannerisms and behaviors.

Furthermore, a woman's mind is divided into three parts as is ours, as I have mentioned earlier. One of the sub-sections of her brain(The Repilian Brain) is concerned with fundamental needs such as survival, physical maintenance, hoarding, dominance, preening and mating. This is the sub-section of her three part brain that has been conditioned to be sexually responsive to alpha behavior. The 2nd of the 3 parts is called (The Limbic Brain) and it is this part that is responsible for generating emotions. Interesting enough the Limbic brain of a woman is larger than a man's so we can therefore scientifically deduce that women are more emotionally-driven than men.


Why do you think they are into drama, soap operas, scents, massage, etc. ?

It also explains why they do not process and consequently respond to factual and logical data

What this means for us is that when we are engaged in conversation with a woman, we should avoid talking about boring, logical and factual things, but should instead talk about things that will engage her senses and emotions.. For instance, talk about your knowledge of wine, massage, show her a cool hand massage technique, demonstrate your knowledge of ESP, of exotic traveling destinations
Tantric massage, palm reading, etc

This will give you emotional value in her eyes

Now one of the most powerful ways to engage a woman's emotions and get her all hot for you is through the art of storytelling. In fact it is one of the most powerful ways to brag about yourself without actually bragging. For instance, instead of directly elucidating that you are alpha, the leader of men, sexually experienced and good with women, you can interweave these facts into an emotionally engaging storyline.

For is a story I tell a woman in set that conveys a lot
of attractive qualities about me. See if you can determine what these are.

Anyways here is my story

Start of story....

"So I am waiting for my friend at the train station and after only a few minutes of me getting there, a large group of passengers exit the train terminal

Amongst this group is a very attractive brunette who looks Latin American. Simultaneously I notice a group of 3 guys, very tall and muscular get off with her..

Not too long after, I noticed that these three guys were hovering around the brunette, looking like they were trying to conjure up some sort of master plan to go up to her, talk to her and try to pick her up.

They must have been there for at least 10 minutes and didn't make a move.

Now the brunette noticed this and started to get really creeped out.

Well, being a dating consultant, I understood why. I guess these guys weren't taught that the more you stand there and check out a woman, especially for such a long period of time without making a move, its going to telegraph insecurity and a lack of self-confidence


And we both know that woman are not attracted to men with no confidence right?

Anyways I let this escapade continue for sometime because I thought it was entertaining, however after a few minutes I started to get angry at these guys for starting to make the cute brunette feel uncomfortable. I mean, I am sure their intention was good but their delivery was obviously beginning to instill fear in this poor woman who appeared very uncomfortable in this situation


Well because I have this need to protect women, I walked up to where the brunette was, turned to face the guys and said:

"Hey guys. thanks for entertaining my girl while I was busy..however you can go're dismissed"

Then I turned to the woman and said

"Hey baby...did you miss me....sorry I took a bit longer than I said I would. Come let's go grab a bite" wink)))

The brunette looked at me, understood what I had done and smiled back

.Anyways 10 minutes later we're having dinner together.

Ain't life a bitch for some and marvelous for others."

End of story....

There's my story. From this story then, can you determine all of the
factual information that points to me as being an attractive, self-confident, alpha male?

If you don't know by now let me tell you.

1 I am a dating consultant
2. I get attraction
3. I am not threatened or intimidated by other men. In other words, I am the leader of men which is a crucial trait of an alpha male
4. I am confident

So remember next time you feel the need to brag about yourself by elucidating boring facts-STOP YOURSELF! Instead insinuate it , subtly within the context of an emotionally engaging story. Furthermore, if you tell a story that has, embedded in it tidbits of information that convey that you are alpha as my story did, you will not only trigger her alpha male seeking circuitry but also her emotional value seeking circuit. In other words, you will attract her like no other man out there-hands down!

Once again, don't continue to DHV to a woman once you have started to see IOI's or indicators of interest from her. You simply need to convey your personality for a few minutes which should be enough to attract her. As soon as you start noticing a woman giving you IOI's or indicators of interest, then immediately escalate the interaction with her and start to qualify her and build a bond and connection with her.

3. Roleplaying

I would reserve this last attraction-sparking strategy for a night time environment like a club or lounge because it will require you to escalate your touch with a woman and get close to her or invade her personal space which is more acceptable in an environment like a club or lounge than in a day time environment like on the streets or in the malls. The power of role playing is based on the fact that women love to have their senses and emotions engaged as we have already stated. Now what better activity to engage a woman's imagination and thus her emotions than role playing. In fact ever since a woman was little she quickly developed an interest in fantasizing and mental role playing that she was Cinderella, Snow white, Wonder Woman or the female object of desire in a romance novel

Well guess what? We can take advantage of this fact and use it to attract a woman.

For instance....if you are talking to a woman inside of a club or lounge you can french lock your arm with hers and her.

"K babe..Wanna try something fun and exciting? Okay great! .Let's walk through the Crowd and role play that we are a celebrity couple. I'll be Brad and you'll be Angelina" (Most women fantasize about being part of a celebrity couple) like Brangelina

At that point you can lock your arm with your girl's arm, walk through the crowd, address people with your eyes and say "What's up". "How ya doin".... Start waving at imaginary fans waiting to get a glimpse of you both or you can pose together with your girl, imagining that you are in front of Paparazzi dying to take snapshots of you both.


At that point, you can put your arm around her and say "Baby...ain't life with me exciting"

Now in case you haven't noticed yet, the real power of role playing is that it gives you an opportunity to escalate your touch with a woman which is incredibly important to get her used to your touch, so that later on when it comes time to getting intimate with her and even sexual with her it will seem natural and congruent. In other words, she will be used to it and will not get creeped out by it.

So there are the three deadliest ways to attract a woman of exceptional beauty and quality-All the time and everytime!
100% Field tested and fail proof!

Until next time.....Go out there and be a man.!
